BYLAWS of the Oregon SECTION,
Article VII - Nominations and Elections
Section 7.1 Nominations
a. The Nominating Committee shall make every effort to prepare a slate of two (2)
candidates for each office to be filled. In the case of an incumbent Secretary or Treasurer seeking
re-election, a second candidate need not be selected. The Nominating Committee shall determine the
eligibility of each candidate and the willingness of the candidate to serve if elected.
b. Prior to the Annual Election, the Nominating Committee shall report the proposed slate
of candidates to the SECTION Executive Committee for approval prior to presenting the slate to the
SECTION membership.
c. The Nominating Committee shall report its slate of candidates to the membership at a
regular meeting of the SECTION prior to the Annual Election.
d. Additional candidates may be nominated by petition over the signatures of ten (10)
SECTION Members, provided:
(1) The petitioners have determined the candidate's eligibility from the Secretary;
(2) The petitioners have determined the candidate's willingness to serve if elected and;
(3) The petition is received by the Secretary not later than three (3) days following the
meeting at which the Nominating Committee gives its report.
Section 7.2 Annual Election
a. The Nominations Committee shall prepare and transmit a ballot to each SECTION
Member. The balloting deadline shall be no later than thirty (30) days after transmission of the ballot,
but no sooner than twenty-one (21) days after transmission.
b. In the event of a paper ballot, within five (5) days after the balloting deadline, the past-
Chair shall convene the Tellers Committee and turn over the marked ballots for counting. After
verifying the validity of each ballot, the Tellers Committee shall count the ballots for each office,
declaring elected the candidate receiving the majority of votes cast. In the event of a tie vote,
selection shall be made by lot.
Section 7.3 Results
a. The officers elected shall be announced to the membership at the next meeting of the
SECTION following the results of the election.
b. The Secretary shall report newly elected officers to the INSTITUTE upon request.
Section 7.4 Vacancies
Any vacancy on the SECTION Executive Committee shall be filled by appointment of the
SECTION Executive Committee. A member of the SECTION Executive Committee or officer elected
to fill a vacancy by the SECTION Executive Committee shall serve for the un-expired term of their
predecessor, except for the Chair-elect. The Chair-elect must be elected to the position of Chair but
may run unopposed.
Article VII - Nominations and Elections
Section 7.1 Nominations
a. The Nominating Committee shall make every effort to prepare a slate of two (2)
candidates for each office to be filled. In the case of an incumbent Secretary or Treasurer seeking
re-election, a second candidate need not be selected. The Nominating Committee shall determine the
eligibility of each candidate and the willingness of the candidate to serve if elected.
b. Prior to the Annual Election, the Nominating Committee shall report the proposed slate
of candidates to the SECTION Executive Committee for approval prior to presenting the slate to the
SECTION membership.
c. The Nominating Committee shall report its slate of candidates to the membership at a
regular meeting of the SECTION prior to the Annual Election.
d. Additional candidates may be nominated by petition over the signatures of ten (10)
SECTION Members, provided:
(1) The petitioners have determined the candidate's eligibility from the Secretary;
(2) The petitioners have determined the candidate's willingness to serve if elected and;
(3) The petition is received by the Secretary not later than three (3) days following the
meeting at which the Nominating Committee gives its report.
Section 7.2 Annual Election
a. The Nominations Committee shall prepare and transmit a ballot to each SECTION
Member. The balloting deadline shall be no later than thirty (30) days after transmission of the ballot,
but no sooner than twenty-one (21) days after transmission.
b. In the event of a paper ballot, within five (5) days after the balloting deadline, the past-
Chair shall convene the Tellers Committee and turn over the marked ballots for counting. After
verifying the validity of each ballot, the Tellers Committee shall count the ballots for each office,
declaring elected the candidate receiving the majority of votes cast. In the event of a tie vote,
selection shall be made by lot.
Section 7.3 Results
a. The officers elected shall be announced to the membership at the next meeting of the
SECTION following the results of the election.
b. The Secretary shall report newly elected officers to the INSTITUTE upon request.
Section 7.4 Vacancies
Any vacancy on the SECTION Executive Committee shall be filled by appointment of the
SECTION Executive Committee. A member of the SECTION Executive Committee or officer elected
to fill a vacancy by the SECTION Executive Committee shall serve for the un-expired term of their
predecessor, except for the Chair-elect. The Chair-elect must be elected to the position of Chair but
may run unopposed.