BYLAWS of the Oregon SECTION,
Article V - Section Officers
Section 5.1 Officers
The officers of the SECTION shall be: Chair, Chair-elect, Secretary, and Treasurer. The
officers shall be responsible for administering and executing the activities of the SECTION within the
framework of established policies.
a. Chair
The Chair shall be the Chief Elected Officer of the SECTION. The Chair’s responsibilities shall
include, but are not limited to:
(1) Participate in the development of overall strategy and setting annual SECTION
(2) Preside at all meetings of the SECTION and the SECTION Executive Committee;
(3) Appoint, with the approval of the SECTION Executive Committee, all committees,
designate the Chair of each, and fill any vacancies therein;
(4) Perform other duties associated with the office of Chair as assigned in these
Bylaws or by the SECTION Executive Committee; and
(5) Appoint a Student Member to the SECTION Executive Committee, and Student
Members to other committees.
(6) Communicate time and location of SECTION Executive Committee
Meetings and develop an agenda for the meeting.
b. Chair-elect
The Chair-elect’s responsibilities shall include, but are not limited to:
(1) Participate in the development of overall strategy and setting annual SECTION
(2) Serve ex officio, as Chair of the Program Committee;
(3) Perform other duties designated by the Chair;
(4) Perform the duties of the Chair in the event of the Chair's absence; and
(5) Succeed immediately to the office of Chair in the event of the Chair's resignation,
disability, or death.
c. Secretary
The Secretary’s responsibilities shall include, but are not limited to:
(1) Participate in the development of overall strategy and setting annual
Section/SECTION priorities
(2) Keep a record of the proceedings of the SECTION;
(3) Record and distribute the minutes of the meetings of the SECTION Executive
(4) Ensure that the Section Articles of Incorporation are current;
(5) Notify the INSTITUTE of the results of the election of new officers by the
established deadline;
(6) Provide the INSTITUTE with an up-to-date copy of the Bylaws of the SECTION
when amendments are made;
(7) Serve as official liaison between the SECTION and the INSTITUTE in all
administrative matters; and
Oregon Section Bylaws Revised February 2008
(8) Prepare an Annual Report of the SECTION activities on forms supplied by the
INSTITUTE and submit this report to the INSTITUTE by July 15 each year.
d. Treasurer
The Treasurer’s responsibilities shall include, but are not limited to:
(1) Participate in the development of overall strategy and setting annual
Section/SECTION priorities
(2) Have charge of all funds of the SECTION, which shall be deposited in an account(s)
approved by the SECTION Executive Committee;
(3) Collect all monies due the SECTION including membership dues and monies
collected at SECTION meetings;
(4) Make all disbursements as approved by the SECTION Executive Committee.
Copies of all bills and receipts for disbursements should be maintained by the Treasurer;
(5) Submit a report of all financial transactions and the financial condition of the
SECTION to the members of the SECTION Executive Committee at each meeting of the SECTION
Executive Committee;
(6) Obtain a fidelity bond, the cost of which shall be borne by the SECTION, when
required by the SECTION Executive Committee;
(7) Prepare an Annual Financial Report and turn it and the records over to the Audit
Committee upon completion of the governance year.
(8) Ensure that the proper paperwork has been completed, including bank
resolutions and signature cards, when new officers take office;
(9) Annually file Form 990 with the Internal Revenue Service within five and one-half
(5 1/2) months after the end of the SECTION's fiscal year end. If the SECTION's annual
income is less that $25,000 Form 990 should still be filed; however, only the first paragraph
needs to be completed;
(10) File the required Annual State Not-for-Profit reports, as applicable;
(11) Ensure that sufficient funds be carried forward each year as operating funds for
the new fiscal year; and
(12) Within sixty (60) days after the close of the fiscal year, submit a financial report to
the INSTITUTE on forms provided by INSTITUTE’s Membership Relations Director.
e. Member(s)-at-Large
The Member(s)-at-Large’s responsibilities shall include, but are not limited to:
(1) Serve as a member of the SECTION Executive Committee;
(2) Participate in the development of overall strategy and setting annual
Section/SECTION priorities
(3) Coordinate, in consultation with the officers, the nomination process for
SECTION participation at the annual IFT Strategic Leadership Forum and ensure SECTION
participation at the IFT Town Hall Meeting
(4) Additional responsibilitie
Article V - Section Officers
Section 5.1 Officers
The officers of the SECTION shall be: Chair, Chair-elect, Secretary, and Treasurer. The
officers shall be responsible for administering and executing the activities of the SECTION within the
framework of established policies.
a. Chair
The Chair shall be the Chief Elected Officer of the SECTION. The Chair’s responsibilities shall
include, but are not limited to:
(1) Participate in the development of overall strategy and setting annual SECTION
(2) Preside at all meetings of the SECTION and the SECTION Executive Committee;
(3) Appoint, with the approval of the SECTION Executive Committee, all committees,
designate the Chair of each, and fill any vacancies therein;
(4) Perform other duties associated with the office of Chair as assigned in these
Bylaws or by the SECTION Executive Committee; and
(5) Appoint a Student Member to the SECTION Executive Committee, and Student
Members to other committees.
(6) Communicate time and location of SECTION Executive Committee
Meetings and develop an agenda for the meeting.
b. Chair-elect
The Chair-elect’s responsibilities shall include, but are not limited to:
(1) Participate in the development of overall strategy and setting annual SECTION
(2) Serve ex officio, as Chair of the Program Committee;
(3) Perform other duties designated by the Chair;
(4) Perform the duties of the Chair in the event of the Chair's absence; and
(5) Succeed immediately to the office of Chair in the event of the Chair's resignation,
disability, or death.
c. Secretary
The Secretary’s responsibilities shall include, but are not limited to:
(1) Participate in the development of overall strategy and setting annual
Section/SECTION priorities
(2) Keep a record of the proceedings of the SECTION;
(3) Record and distribute the minutes of the meetings of the SECTION Executive
(4) Ensure that the Section Articles of Incorporation are current;
(5) Notify the INSTITUTE of the results of the election of new officers by the
established deadline;
(6) Provide the INSTITUTE with an up-to-date copy of the Bylaws of the SECTION
when amendments are made;
(7) Serve as official liaison between the SECTION and the INSTITUTE in all
administrative matters; and
Oregon Section Bylaws Revised February 2008
(8) Prepare an Annual Report of the SECTION activities on forms supplied by the
INSTITUTE and submit this report to the INSTITUTE by July 15 each year.
d. Treasurer
The Treasurer’s responsibilities shall include, but are not limited to:
(1) Participate in the development of overall strategy and setting annual
Section/SECTION priorities
(2) Have charge of all funds of the SECTION, which shall be deposited in an account(s)
approved by the SECTION Executive Committee;
(3) Collect all monies due the SECTION including membership dues and monies
collected at SECTION meetings;
(4) Make all disbursements as approved by the SECTION Executive Committee.
Copies of all bills and receipts for disbursements should be maintained by the Treasurer;
(5) Submit a report of all financial transactions and the financial condition of the
SECTION to the members of the SECTION Executive Committee at each meeting of the SECTION
Executive Committee;
(6) Obtain a fidelity bond, the cost of which shall be borne by the SECTION, when
required by the SECTION Executive Committee;
(7) Prepare an Annual Financial Report and turn it and the records over to the Audit
Committee upon completion of the governance year.
(8) Ensure that the proper paperwork has been completed, including bank
resolutions and signature cards, when new officers take office;
(9) Annually file Form 990 with the Internal Revenue Service within five and one-half
(5 1/2) months after the end of the SECTION's fiscal year end. If the SECTION's annual
income is less that $25,000 Form 990 should still be filed; however, only the first paragraph
needs to be completed;
(10) File the required Annual State Not-for-Profit reports, as applicable;
(11) Ensure that sufficient funds be carried forward each year as operating funds for
the new fiscal year; and
(12) Within sixty (60) days after the close of the fiscal year, submit a financial report to
the INSTITUTE on forms provided by INSTITUTE’s Membership Relations Director.
e. Member(s)-at-Large
The Member(s)-at-Large’s responsibilities shall include, but are not limited to:
(1) Serve as a member of the SECTION Executive Committee;
(2) Participate in the development of overall strategy and setting annual
Section/SECTION priorities
(3) Coordinate, in consultation with the officers, the nomination process for
SECTION participation at the annual IFT Strategic Leadership Forum and ensure SECTION
participation at the IFT Town Hall Meeting
(4) Additional responsibilitie