BYLAWS of the Oregon SECTION,
Article I - Name, Headquarters and Territory
Section 1.1 Name
The name of this organization shall be the Oregon Section of the Institute of Food
Technologists. In the event of any conflict between the Bylaws of this SECTION and the Constitution
and Bylaws of the INSTITUTE, the latter shall prevail.
Section 2.1 Headquarters and Territory
The headquarters of the Oregon SECTION of the INSTITUTE shall be located at the
Department of Food Science and Technology at Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon. The
territory of the SECTION shall be all counties in the State of Oregon except and excluding Umatilla,
Union, Wallowa, Baker, and Malheur Counties and includes Clark and Cowlitz counties of the State of
Washington. Mailing zip codes included are 970XX, 971XX, 972XX, 973XX, 974XX, 975XX, 977XX,
and 986XX.
Article I - Name, Headquarters and Territory
Section 1.1 Name
The name of this organization shall be the Oregon Section of the Institute of Food
Technologists. In the event of any conflict between the Bylaws of this SECTION and the Constitution
and Bylaws of the INSTITUTE, the latter shall prevail.
Section 2.1 Headquarters and Territory
The headquarters of the Oregon SECTION of the INSTITUTE shall be located at the
Department of Food Science and Technology at Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon. The
territory of the SECTION shall be all counties in the State of Oregon except and excluding Umatilla,
Union, Wallowa, Baker, and Malheur Counties and includes Clark and Cowlitz counties of the State of
Washington. Mailing zip codes included are 970XX, 971XX, 972XX, 973XX, 974XX, 975XX, 977XX,
and 986XX.